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Streamlining content management

Bringing content and UX strategy to the Highspot content editor to create a seamless experience for employee and partners of a global tech company to access the content they need.

As the UX designer, I was in charge of leading discussions with page owners on requirements, implementing feedback, and creating all page designs - from greyscale wireframes to final designs - for review.

Highspot Content Editor v2.png


Project Lead / Content Strategiest, Design Lead, UX Designer (me!)


Strategy, Design, Highspot Design System


1 year (ongoing)

From chaos to clarity


"TechCo" is a global technology company that works with other businesses, known as partners, to bring their technology solutions to life. Employees and partners have access to TechCo's partner portal that houses key content for training on products, sales processes, and whitepapers.

The challenge

With thousands of assets between hundreds of different pages, the partner portal was chaotic and lacked organization and unification. The challenge was creating scalable designs within a defined Highspot editor environment without any initial content.

The process

We used the following process to bring structure to each page design:

Stakeholder alignment

We start the project with understanding the stakeholder's needs and expectations. For pages with multiple owners, alignment was crucial for establishing a common understanding of content and messaging goals and to foster positive relationships. I used Miro, an online visual workspace, to facilitate brainstorming exercises, gather insights, and showcase ideas. 

Layout first approach

Content was often being created or refined at project start so we used a layout first approach and began with wireframing.

This allowed us to implement best practices at the onset of the design, create visuals for page owners to provide feedback on, and provide guardrails that would aid the page owners on the amount and type of required text.

Double diamond design process

I used the double diamond design process of diverging and converging within the problem and solution space to explore, refine, and finalize ideas within Miro and the Highspot editor environment.

While we had some existing templates, each project had unique needs that required creative and effective visual and content strategy.

The impact

TechCo has referred to us as the "Highspot Dream Team" as we continually secure our position as trusted collaborators. 


We've been able to provide effective sales enablement through:

Content organized in digestable and visually appealing formats that allow sellers to find the information they need faster.

Structured but dynamic pages that allow page owners to easily update for new and relevant content.

Cohesive branding that reflects TechCo's values and enhances their credibility.

By the numbers:


Since joining the team, I've  collaborated with various TechCo employees and partners on 20+ designs.

out of 650 pages

An onboarding program I designed that rose to #1 in terms of traffic and engagement. The page had previously never been in the top 10.

out of 650 pages

A solutions page I designed that rose to #4 in terms of traffic and engagement. The page had previously never been in the top 10.

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